<% StrError = "none" StrAction = "none" Function sanitizeRequest (requestVariable,requestType) Set regEx = New RegExp regEx.Global = true regEx.Pattern = "[^0-9a-zA-Z\@\w\.\,\-\_\b\r\!\:\ \-]" IF requestType = "querystring" THEN sanitizeRequest = regEx.Replace(request.querystring(requestVariable), "") ELSEIF requestType = "form" THEN sanitizeRequest = regEx.Replace(request.form(requestVariable), "") ELSEIF requestType = "cookie" THEN sanitizeRequest = regEx.Replace(request.cookies(requestVariable), "") ELSEIF requestType = "string" THEN sanitizeRequest = regEx.Replace(requestVariable, "") END IF End Function IF REQUEST("CONTACT") = "GO" THEN c_name = sanitizeRequest("name","form") c_ma = sanitizeRequest("ma","form") c_phone = sanitizeRequest("phone","form") c_mes = sanitizeRequest("message","form") c_veh = sanitizeRequest("vehicle","form") c_reg = sanitizeRequest("reg","form") IF len(c_name) = 0 THEN StrError = "Your name is a required field" END IF IF len(c_ma) = 0 THEN StrError = "Your email address is a required field" END IF IF Instr(c_ma,"@") < 1 THEN StrError = "Your email address appears invalid" END IF IF Instr(c_ma,".") < 1 THEN StrError = "Your email address appears invalid" END IF IF len(c_mes) = 0 THEN StrError = "Your message is a required field" END IF IF len(c_veh) = 0 THEN StrError = "Your vehicle is a required field" END IF IF len(c_reg) = 0 THEN StrError = "Your vehicle registration is a required field" END IF IF StrError <> "none" OR Err.Number <> 0 THEN 'print the errors ELSE Dim objCDO, body Set objCDO = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") body = "LBN Cars: Topographical application sent via website contact page" & VbCr body = body + "

" & VbNewLine body = body + "I am interested in applying for my topographical test certificate, please contact me using the details below to arrange my test." body = body + "

" & VbNewLine body = body + "Driver Name: " & c_name body = body + "

" & VbNewLine body = body + "Customer Phone: " & c_phone body = body + "

" & VbNewLine body = body + "Customer Email: " & c_ma body = body + "

" & VbNewLine body = body + "Customer Comments: " & c_mes body = body + "

" & VbNewLine body = body + "My Vehicle Make: " & c_veh body = body + "

" body = body + "My Vehicle Registration: " & c_reg objCDO.To = "info@lbncars.co.uk" objCDO.From = "web-server@lbncars.co.uk" objCDO.Subject = "Re: Application Sent Through LBNcars.co.uk Website" objCDO.HTMLBody = body objCDO.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing")=1 objCDO.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver")="localhost" objCDO.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverpickupdirectory") = "C:\inetpub\mailroot\pickup\" objCDO.Configuration.Fields.Update objCDO.Send StrAction = "Thank You, A member of our team will respond to you shortly." END IF END IF %> LBN Cars: Topographical Testing & Driver Training
<%IF StrAction <> "none" OR StrError <> "none" THEN%> <%ELSE%>

Topographical Testing: Driver Training Services

Did you know? It is a legal requirement for all new PCO driver applicants to have passed a topographical test with an accredited tester like lbncars.co.uk. We can help you pass your test first time, even if you have no experience.

The topographical test is designed to ensure that new drivers are able to plan routes effectively and have a basic understanding of using a range of navigation equipment.

london minicabs

Quick Contact

Get in touch with us 24 hours a day.

Whats Involved?

The topographical test is simple, straight forward and usually only requires minimal preparation. Our trainers will guide you through the testing process from start to finish. The test is conducted on a one-to-one basis with an examineri, in an informal and relaxed atmosphere.

  • Local Route Planning
  • Long Distance Route Planning

Same Day Issue

We are able to provide your pass certificate on the day you pass your test, no more waiting weeks for the post to arrive.

<%END IF%>

PASS YOUR TOPOGRAPHICAL TEST FROM JUST £25.00 terms & conditions apply

Apply Now

You can use the form below to register for your topographical test, simply fill in your details and we will get back to you to arrange your test.

We usually reply to applications within 24 hours.

<%IF NOT StrAction <> "none" THEN%>
<%END IF%>
<%IF StrAction <> "none" THEN%>
  • "" THEN%><%=sanitizeRequest("name","form")%><%ELSE%>full name..<%END IF%>" />
  • "" THEN%><%=sanitizeRequest("ma","form")%><%ELSE%>email..<%END IF%>" />
  • "" THEN%><%=sanitizeRequest("phone","form")%><%ELSE%>phone no..<%END IF%>" />
  • "" THEN%><%=sanitizeRequest("vehicle","form")%><%ELSE%>vehicle make..<%END IF%>" />
  • "" THEN%><%=sanitizeRequest("reg","form")%><%ELSE%>vehicle registration..<%END IF%>" />
<%END IF%>
<%IF NOT StrAction <> "none" THEN%>
<%END IF%>

Airport Transfers

LBN Cars provide airport transfers to all major London airports:

Airports Covered:
  • Heathrow
  • Gatwick
  • Stansted
  • Luton
  • City Airport
low rates

The Lowest Rates

Mention this website when booking your London minicab and you will receive a 5% discount on your booking.

terms & conditions apply